Wednesday 9 March 2016

Week 10 😊

"Hello sirs, may I bother you for a second?" An oddly dressed man inquired.
"Sure," one man answered happily.
"I am asking visitors what we could do to make our country greater. Do you have any suggestions?"
" Maybe you could umm... make your country…” the other man stammered, “more eco friendly?.”
All of a sudden they faded away.

In the morning, my Mom and I went to check out the new park being built near my house . I saw the men from my dream as statues at the park, and I could swear one of the men winked at me.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Week 9

Earlier today Samantha was just a regular girl, living a normal life.  Well, that's what she thought.    

Earlier That Day

"Hi, can I get a vegan, gluten free, lactose and tolerant latte no whip, no froth, no caffeine please?" Samantha asks the man at the counter.
"Sure," the man says politly. A server brought out her 'latte' and said "enjoy!" with a smirk on his face. He couldn't have put anything in it, or could he? Sam drank her 'latte',then left to walk home. Soon after she saw her friends walking on the other side of the street toward the mall. Sam said hey but they didn't seem to hear her. Sam tuned the corner on to her street she saw an old man walking a cute puppy and asked if she could pet it. The old man didn't seem to hear or see her. Something fishy must be going on she thought...

Sam was home now. Finally, realizing she was invisible. Sam knew how being invisible could help the city alot. So that's what she did.

3 Days Later

Sam had saved tons of people, but her last adventure wasn't as great. She was helping the F.B.I. on a top secret mission. Sam was now a spy for them, and since she was invisible she wouldn't be found or caught on the job. Until, her invisibilty wore off and she was caught. Sadly, the next day when the F.B.I. came to investigate they didn't find her anywhere.